Sunday, June 20, 2021

Olympic Media Score With Tokyo BINGO!

For athletes, officials and journalists who are Tokyo-bound next month, June included a whirlwind of pre-Olympic prep from final qualifications for Olympians to navigating the reams of pages in the "playbooks" to affirm approved access to Japan. 

For this blogger, who secured a media accreditation but still has more paperwork to complete, it's an anxious time! Will the Games happen at all, and will I remember to cross all "t's" and dot all the "i's" in time? Optimism reigns but we'll see. 

Meanwhile, in step with the buzz of checklists, the Olympic media cycle remains reliably predictable, though tailored to the unique challenges and angles specific to COVID-19. 

As a follow up to our popular Rio 2016 Olympic News BINGO post in which Zika reigned (remember Zika?), fellow International Society of Olympic Historians member Brian Carberry and his wife April helped compile this year's pre-Games media cycle BINGO card. 

Please play along, post suggested additions in the comments and enjoy!